アニメの第138話で初登場。あっけら艦はゲームでは「スシ」限定の妖怪。 水夫の格好をした船の妖怪。腕を後ろに組みながら口笛を吹く姿勢を取っている。名前は「あっけらかん」+「戦艦」。

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Akkerakan is member of the Tough Clan and makes its first appearance in episode 138 of the anime. It is a yokai limited to the [Sushi] Version of the Yokai Watch 3. Akkerakan has an indifferent attitude – whistling a tune while having its legs crossed. The name あっけら艦 「Akkerakan」is a combination of 「あっけらかん」’akkerakan‘ which means ‘indifferent‘ &「戦艦」’senkan‘ which is a warship.

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水夫の格好をした船の妖怪 あっけら艦 妖怪ウォッチ3アイロンビーズの図案